Daily INSPIRE – 2 Keys To Boosting Your Inner Confidence

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There are all kinds of strategies, ways of thinking, patterns of behavior and practical tips for improving your life and feeling better about yourself, but they’re all redundant if the foundation isn’t there. That foundation is the real you, the you that you know deep down you are. The trick is that it takes confidence to find that and to bring out who you are – here are three keys to real inner confidence.

  1. Get To Know Your Values

Personal values are one of the most important things you can know about yourself and are vital in getting genuine inner confidence. Your values are ten thousand feet down inside you, right at the very core of who you are, and they’re the building blocks, the foundations and cornerstone for you. A value is something in your self, in others or in the work that’s most important to you, and could include things like beliefs, progress, family, fun, nature, achievement or freedom.

What is it that some people and situations leave you feeling angry, frustrated, demotivated or delated? It’s because one or more of you values in being denied, suppressed or repressed – we experience that as a negative experience because it’s denying a fundamental piece of who you are. You know those times when you’ve felt really alive, amazing or buzzing? Those are the times when one or more of your values are being honored, and you can get more of that by living according to them.

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Abundance – The Inner Path the Wealth – By Deepak Chopra

Your values are all yours, and no matter what happens, no one can ever take them away. You can have absolute confidence in them because they’re there all the time just waiting for you to notice and use them. When you get to know your values, you can start to make choices and align your life around them. It’s so simple and it feels amazing because all that realy means is that you’re allowing who you are to live in the real world.

2. Exercise the Muscle

Confidence is a muscle and like any muscle you need to exercise it so that it doesn’t shrink and waste away. The problem is that unlike your biceps or glutes, which tend to stay in the same place, your confidence muscle can be harder to to find. How do you develop your biceps or firm up your glutes? By doing exercises that are designed to work that muscle over a period of time until you see the results you were looking for.

It’s just the same with confidence. Let’s say that you’re the kind of person that doesn’t take many risks, the kind of person who goes through each day doing what needs to be done and doing it well, but not really stretching yourself. You might talk yourself out of doing something because it’s too scary or because you think to yourself “I’m not good enough. ‘that’s not who I am’ or “I don’t really want it anyway’. That kind of person lives within what they know and what keeps them safe and comfortable. The fewer risks they take, the less confident they need to be and so the less confident they become.

To work your confidence muscle you need to be prepared to take risks – big or small. You need to be willing to stretch yourself in an unfamiliar direction, to try something new or try something in a slightly different way. You need to open yourself up to the possibilities around you and push yourself to increase what you know, what you do and who you are. The more open you are to risk, opportunity and possibility the more confident you need to be, and so the more confidence you’ll develop. That’s you confidence muscle – the question sis, what are you going to do to exercise it?

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Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini


Energy Medicine 


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Vitamin B Complex – Vegetarian


Vitamin D – Non GMO and Gluten Free

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 51pAPaUG2rL._SX330_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg

Eat Pray Love….by Elizabeth Gilbert


Chakra Healing 

Daily INSPIRE – 3 Steps to Discover the Purpose of Your Life

Determining what our purpose is in life can be one of the hardest questions that we as humans must try to answer. In this article we will be going through a step-by-step process, exploring your feelings and options, and by the end, you should have a fairly solid tool you can immediately employ in your life to help give it a meaningful direction!
There are three steps to the process of discovering the purpose of your life:

  1. Understanding the principle of choice
  2. Creating your “underlying principle”
  3. Aligning your life with this underlying principle

Understanding The Principle of Choice
Norman Vincent Peale has this to say about the power of choice. “The greatest power we have is the power of choice. It is an actual fact, that if you have been groping under unhappiness, you can choose to be joyous, instead. And, by effort, lift yourself into joy. If you tend to be fearful, you can overcome that misery by choosing to have courage. The whole trend and the quality of anyone’s life is determined by the choices that are made”.
“Choosing” is the most important activity of your mind, because by making a choice, you are proclaiming your desires to your subconscious mind. Once the subconscious mind gets to know your desires, it is going to do anything to manifest them in your life. The choices you make in your life become your goal. And, if you are sincere in pursuing them, there is no reason why you should not accomplish them.

Indecision, on the other hand, not only creates frustration and anxiety, but can also confuse the subconscious mind about what you want. But it is important that the choices you make are made by you, in accordance with your true desires, purposes and aptitude. A lot of us let others make choices for us, or make our choices according to what we think is ‘correct’, even if that means that we go against our wishes. What is right for someone else may not be right for you, and the way to know this is listening to what your heart says.
So, to begin with, make a list of things which interest you; things which you have always enjoyed, which make you feel better, which inspire you to surge ahead, no matter what obstacles you face. Do you like doing something creative, or something artistic? Do you enjoy nature? Do you like the sea? Do you enjoy helping others? Do you get pleasure out of making a difference in other people’s life?
Whatever it is that interests you, write it down and answer these questions:
What thing do you love to do?
What is it that you love about this thing and why?
How could you do this for money, and make a living out of it?

Creating Your Underlying Principle
The next step is to examine the list you just made. Whatever it is, try to identify the central theme of the things you love to do, and try to put it in a short and precise statement. This will be your ‘Mission Statement’. It may even be a quote by a famous person, or a philosophy that has influenced you. Of course, as you grow up, this statement could evolve, but its soul will remain the same. Now, write down your Mission Statement.

Aligning Your LIFE With Your Underlying Principle

The final step in this Journey is to Map your Path to your ultimate purpose and to begin
implementing changes that help to align your daily life with your underlying purpose. By
making these little changes in your lifestyle, you will start to be able to begin living this principle out each and every day. It might take a few days, but by becoming aware and intentional of this underlying principle of your life, you will certainly start to feel the difference in your enthusiasm for life as a whole. If you realize that you love being amidst nature, plan out your holiday. Maybe an outing with your children could be enough to recoup with your energy. If you discover that you enjoy helping those in need, start to look for opportunities to volunteer in your community. On the other hand, you might even want to change your job, or start a new business that is
more in line with your mission.

So there you have it! By following along with the steps outlined above, you will be on your way to finding and living out your purpose.


Daily INSPIRE – 2 Ways to Easily Enhance Your Growth

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel less than great. Low, grouchy, fed-up, and bored are all words you could use to describe what I’m like on those days and I’m probably not the best company. The thing is, days like those are part of the deal with being human – it’s not an elective. There will always be off days, and that’s okay.

But what happens when you get a whole string of those off-days, maybe lasting weeks, months or even years? Too many of us say that we’re in a rut, feel stuck, fed-up, or bored and admit that we don’t want things to be that way, but we don’t know what to do to change. That’s the problem, when you’re in a rut, you don’t have the energy or motivation to change things for the better, and it’s tough to find the insight or resources you need to make that jump.

Here are two fun and easy ways you can use right now to climb, or better yet, leap, out of the rut and start to get something better for yourself.

Do Something Differently

Life tends to run smoothly when we establish systems and routines for things, but the problem comes when things run too smoothly and we become blinded to any ideas or choices that sit outside of our routine. All the stuff we do every day becomes the norm, running on auto-pilot, and it becomes our whole world.

Start with making one or two simple changes to your day – be it at breakfast time, your radio station, gym routine, route to work, lunch routine, etc. Don’t worry about what the changes are or whether they’re right or wrong, just make a couple of simple choices that will serve you well.

Doing something differently or changing parts of your routine, instantly takes you out of the norm and allows you to shake off the things that make you feel confined. Step out of your routine and you’ll be in a position where you’re able to make different choices, see things differently and get a different result.

Use you Intuition

Your intuition is a powerful ally, and we all have it even though you might not recognize it. The dictionary says that intuition is:

1.a. The act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes; immediate cognition

1.b. Knowledge gained by the use of this faculty; a perceptive insight.

2. A sense of something not evident or deducible; an impression.

One of the best friends you’ll ever have in life is your intuition, and tuning into it and learning to trust it is something that can have some truly remarkable effects. Accessing your intuition is a bit like working and developing a muscle, but unfortunately it can be harder to locate than a bicep or quadricep, which tend to stay in the same place. Here are some quick tips for accessing and trusting it –

  • Practice maintaining an open-minded, playful, experimental, non-judgmental attitude. This is the most fertile ground to tap into your intuition.
  • Practice making wild guesses in your everyday life. Guess what a salesperson’s name is, what a new person or place will look like or who’s calling on the phone. Don’t worry about getting it wrong, you’re just working that muscle.
  • Try a few simple observation exercises in your daily life. Whether you’re in a restaurant, on a
    train, in a bar, or out shopping, practice noticing non-verbal behavior in others. Look for shifts in posture, eye movements, vocal tone or tempo, etc. Guess how they’re feeling or what they’re talking about

Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini


Energy Medicine 



Daily INSPRE – 6 Questions To Ask Yourself When Pursuing Your Dreams

What’s your dream? Want to give your vision a jumpstart? Write down your goals and use these questions to speed up delivery of your dream.

ONE. What’s most important for you to experience, explore or embrace this time around?

Until you answer this question, your life goals will be off purpose. Unaligned with you inner passions, your intentions will lake the power to attract the people and situations necessary to become a reality.

Get clued into your true joy. What activities did you enjoy as a child? What are you hobbies now? When your goals are aligned with you soul, synchronicity kicks in to guide you to your target.

TWO. Is this your dream, or someone else’s?

Are your goals you own choice, or what others think you should strive for? Do you want to look back in your old age and wish you had followed your passion? Will you regret having “played it safe”?

Is it selfish to go after you own dream? What joy can you give to others if you haven’t given it to yourself first?

THREE. Are you settling for less than?

Are you resigned to accepting less than you full share of love, health and success this lifetime? Have you compromised and sacrificed your dream?

Anything short of living your true passions will never make you happy.

FOUR. What will you feel like when you reach you dream?

Personal passion fuels a vision. Dive into the thrill and exhileration of the feeling of living your dream.

The Hawaiian Kahuna say, “Where you creative attention flows, so flows your life”.

Abundance – The Inner Path the Wealth – By Deepak Chopra

FIVE. What steps can you take today toward your dream?

Don’t defer you dream. Set up supports and systems around you to instantly translate you intentions into action. Jump on every opportunity that is in line with your purpose and vision.

SIX. Are you telling yourself “I can’t have my dream?”

Most people don’t believe they can live their dream. Either their belief system has then believing they can’t make a living doing what they love, or they feel they don’t deserve their dream. To avoid the pain of feeling they cant’s have their dream, people often keep their dream so buried they can’t remember they ever had a dream.

Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini


Energy Medicine 



Daily INSPIRE – 2 Keys To Boosting Your Inner Confidence

There are all kinds of strategies, ways of thinking, patterns of behavior and practical tips for improving your life and feeling better about yourself, but they’re all redundant if the foundation isn’t there. That foundation is the real you, the you that you know deep down you are. The trick is that it takes confidence to find that and to bring out who you are – here are three keys to real inner confidence.

  1. Get To Know Your Values

Personal values are one of the most important things you can know about yourself and are vital in getting genuine inner confidence. Your values are ten thousand feet down inside you, right at the very core of who you are, and they’re the building blocks, the foundations and cornerstone for you. A value is something in your self, in others or in the work that’s most important to you, and could include things like beliefs, progress, family, fun, nature, achievement or freedom.

What is it that some people and situations leave you feeling angry, frustrated, demotivated or delated? It’s because one or more of you values in being denied, suppressed or repressed – we experience that as a negative experience because it’s denying a fundamental piece of who you are. You know those times when you’ve felt really alive, amazing or buzzing? Those are the times when one or more of your values are being honored, and you can get more of that by living according to them.

Abundance – The Inner Path the Wealth – By Deepak Chopra

Your values are all yours, and no matter what happens, no one can ever take them away. You can have absolute confidence in them because they’re there all the time just waiting for you to notice and use them. When you get to know your values, you can start to make choices and align your life around them. It’s so simple and it feels amazing because all that realy means is that you’re allowing who you are to live in the real world.

2. Exercise the Muscle

Confidence is a muscle and like any muscle you need to exercise it so that it doesn’t shrink and waste away. The problem is that unlike your biceps or glutes, which tend to stay in the same place, your confidence muscle can be harder to to find. How do you develop your biceps or firm up your glutes? By doing exercises that are designed to work that muscle over a period of time until you see the results you were looking for.

It’s just the same with confidence. Let’s say that you’re the kind of person that doesn’t take many risks, the kind of person who goes through each day doing what needs to be done and doing it well, but not really stretching yourself. You might talk yourself out of doing something because it’s too scary or because you think to yourself “I’m not good enough. ‘that’s not who I am’ or “I don’t really want it anyway’. That kind of person lives within what they know and what keeps them safe and comfortable. The fewer risks they take, the less confident they need to be and so the less confident they become.

To work your confidence muscle you need to be prepared to take risks – big or small. You need to be willing to stretch yourself in an unfamiliar direction, to try something new or try something in a slightly different way. You need to open yourself up to the possibilities around you and push yourself to increase what you know, what you do and who you are. The more open you are to risk, opportunity and possibility the more confident you need to be, and so the more confidence you’ll develop. That’s you confidence muscle – the question sis, what are you going to do to exercise it?

Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini


Energy Medicine 




Vitamin B Complex – Vegetarian


Vitamin D – Non GMO and Gluten Free

Eat Pray Love….by Elizabeth Gilbert


Chakra Healing 



Daily INSPIRE – 3 Steps to Discover the Purpose of Your Life

Determining what our purpose is in life can be one of the hardest questions that we as humans must try to answer. In this article we will be going through a step-by-step process, exploring your feelings and options, and by the end, you should have a fairly solid tool you can immediately employ in your life to help give it a meaningful direction!
There are three steps to the process of discovering the purpose of your life:

  1. Understanding the principle of choice
  2. Creating your “underlying principle”
  3. Aligning your life with this underlying principle

Understanding The Principle of Choice
Norman Vincent Peale has this to say about the power of choice. “The greatest power we have is the power of choice. It is an actual fact, that if you have been groping under unhappiness, you can choose to be joyous, instead. And, by effort, lift yourself into joy. If you tend to be fearful, you can overcome that misery by choosing to have courage. The whole trend and the quality of anyone’s life is determined by the choices that are made”.
“Choosing” is the most important activity of your mind, because by making a choice, you are proclaiming your desires to your subconscious mind. Once the subconscious mind gets to know your desires, it is going to do anything to manifest them in your life. The choices you make in your life become your goal. And, if you are sincere in pursuing them, there is no reason why you should not accomplish them.

Indecision, on the other hand, not only creates frustration and anxiety, but can also confuse the subconscious mind about what you want. But it is important that the choices you make are made by you, in accordance with your true desires, purposes and aptitude. A lot of us let others make choices for us, or make our choices according to what we think is ‘correct’, even if that means that we go against our wishes. What is right for someone else may not be right for you, and the way to know this is listening to what your heart says.
So, to begin with, make a list of things which interest you; things which you have always enjoyed, which make you feel better, which inspire you to surge ahead, no matter what obstacles you face. Do you like doing something creative, or something artistic? Do you enjoy nature? Do you like the sea? Do you enjoy helping others? Do you get pleasure out of making a difference in other people’s life?
Whatever it is that interests you, write it down and answer these questions:
What thing do you love to do?
What is it that you love about this thing and why?
How could you do this for money, and make a living out of it?

Creating Your Underlying Principle
The next step is to examine the list you just made. Whatever it is, try to identify the central theme of the things you love to do, and try to put it in a short and precise statement. This will be your ‘Mission Statement’. It may even be a quote by a famous person, or a philosophy that has influenced you. Of course, as you grow up, this statement could evolve, but its soul will remain the same. Now, write down your Mission Statement.

Aligning Your LIFE With Your Underlying Principle

The final step in this Journey is to Map your Path to your ultimate purpose and to begin
implementing changes that help to align your daily life with your underlying purpose. By
making these little changes in your lifestyle, you will start to be able to begin living this principle out each and every day. It might take a few days, but by becoming aware and intentional of this underlying principle of your life, you will certainly start to feel the difference in your enthusiasm for life as a whole. If you realize that you love being amidst nature, plan out your holiday. Maybe an outing with your children could be enough to recoup with your energy. If you discover that you enjoy helping those in need, start to look for opportunities to volunteer in your community. On the other hand, you might even want to change your job, or start a new business that is
more in line with your mission.

So there you have it! By following along with the steps outlined above, you will be on your way to finding and living out your purpose.


Daily INSPIRE – Powerful Tips To Help Manage Everyday Stress

Oftentimes stress will manifest when we carry over yesterday’s concerns into our present day concerns. An accumulation will almost always end up in a high stress level. Therefore, we must be able to “dump” all of our concerns from the previous day or days and concentrate wholly on
our today.

3 Powerful Tips To Help Manage Everyday Stress
Use a special time and place to be calm. Free your mind and body of all worry, all regret, all disappointment, all anger and grief. Now go to your inner quiet place. Go deep inside to a place where you feel that you are at peace and then just relax and breathe in deeply and enjoy the feeling of being at one and at peace within yourself.

Stress Busting Tip #1

Now go to your inner quiet place. Go deep inside to a place where you feel that you are at peace and then just relax and breathe in deeply and enjoy the feeling of being at one and at peace within yourself.

At the same time feel each and every concern, each and every problem, and each and every unresolved moment, begin to dissolve. You can deal with them at a later time. For now, you are only to be in this very moment.
Resolve right now to release every thought from yesterday and be only mindful of the now…. this thought only…this breath…this moment. Take in three very deep breaths and slowly release each one.

Stress Busting Tip #2

Next, think of one particular act, such as rocking your baby, taking a quick stroll, raking the leaves, and do that one simple thing. All the while, your mind is quiet and calm and you are in your own special place within.

Practice this act of quiet and calm each day and you will see that you will accomplish so much more. At the first sign of being stresses, go back to this mindful, quiet place and start all over again until you have reached your inner place of calm.

Stress Busting Tip #3

The very best thing that you can do for yourself is to eat, drink and rest – to your health!

Stress is easily brought on by not eating and drinking properly. When you don’t get the number of hours of sleep that you need each night, you are only setting yourself up for additional stress.

Limit the amount of salt, sugar, caffeine and alcohol in your diet. Drink plenty of clean, pure water each day and do at least moderate exercise each day. This will breathe new life into your skin, hair and will nourish all of your vital organs.

Take time to breathe properly! Take deep belly breathes to send pure oxygen to all of your body. Laugh and then laugh some more. It is food for the soul! Spend time doing the things that please you most. Engage in healthy and fulfilling rel

ationships and work on problems that would erode the closeness that you have with someone special.

When we are content and living a balanced life everyday stresses seem to pale in comparison. And we are better equipped to deal with the unexpected.

Philadelphia Candies Milk Chocolate Covered OREO® Cookies, Valentine’s Day Gift 8 Ounce

Daily INSPIRE – 2 Ways to Easily Enhance Your Growth

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel less than great. Low, grouchy, fed-up, and bored are all words you could use to describe what I’m like on those days and I’m probably not the best company. The thing is, days like those are part of the deal with being human – it’s not an elective. There will always be off days, and that’s okay.

But what happens when you get a whole string of those off-days, maybe lasting weeks, months or even years? Too many of us say that we’re in a rut, feel stuck, fed-up, or bored and admit that we don’t want things to be that way, but we don’t know what to do to change. That’s the problem, when you’re in a rut, you don’t have the energy or motivation to change things for the better, and it’s tough to find the insight or resources you need to make that jump.

Here are two fun and easy ways you can use right now to climb, or better yet, leap, out of the rut and start to get something better for yourself.

Do Something Differently

Life tends to run smoothly when we establish systems and routines for things, but the problem comes when things run too smoothly and we become blinded to any ideas or choices that sit outside of our routine. All the stuff we do every day becomes the norm, running on auto-pilot, and it becomes our whole world.

Start with making one or two simple changes to your day – be it at breakfast time, your radio station, gym routine, route to work, lunch routine, etc. Don’t worry about what the changes are or whether they’re right or wrong, just make a couple of simple choices that will serve you well.

Doing something differently or changing parts of your routine, instantly takes you out of the norm and allows you to shake off the things that make you feel confined. Step out of your routine and you’ll be in a position where you’re able to make different choices, see things differently and get a different result.

Use you Intuition

Your intuition is a powerful ally, and we all have it even though you might not recognize it. The dictionary says that intuition is:

1.a. The act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes; immediate cognition

1.b. Knowledge gained by the use of this faculty; a perceptive insight.

2. A sense of something not evident or deducible; an impression.

One of the best friends you’ll ever have in life is your intuition, and tuning into it and learning to trust it is something that can have some truly remarkable effects. Accessing your intuition is a bit like working and developing a muscle, but unfortunately it can be harder to locate than a bicep or quadricep, which tend to stay in the same place. Here are some quick tips for accessing and trusting it –

  • Practice maintaining an open-minded, playful, experimental, non-judgmental attitude. This is the most fertile ground to tap into your intuition.
  • Practice making wild guesses in your everyday life. Guess what a salesperson’s name is, what a new person or place will look like or who’s calling on the phone. Don’t worry about getting it wrong, you’re just working that muscle.
  • Try a few simple observation exercises in your daily life. Whether you’re in a restaurant, on a
    train, in a bar, or out shopping, practice noticing non-verbal behavior in others. Look for shifts in posture, eye movements, vocal tone or tempo, etc. Guess how they’re feeling or what they’re talking about
Philadelphia Candies Milk Chocolate Covered OREO® Cookies, Valentine’s Day Gift 8 Ounce

Daily INSPIRE – 2 Simple Strategies For Never Losing Out Again

Life is full of ups and downs and sometimes has a few sideways thrown in too. When things go wrong or don’t go as planned, or when something happens to throw us off balance and doubt ourselves it can be tough to deal with. After all, we all want things to go well and to end up as ‘winners’. But life will always throw challenges at us, and we can’t control everything. Nor should we try. It’s not what happens to you but what you do with what happens to you that makes the difference. Here are three easy ways that you can always come out on top.

  1. Focus on Your Strengths

We’re a bunch of contradictions – sorry to break it to you. Sometimes happy, sometimes sad; sometimes hopeful, sometimes pessimistic; sometimes childish and sometimes mature. We also have a whole load of strengths and weaknesses that affect what we do and how we do it, but we tend to put more focus on our weaknesses and not our strengths.
A strength is something that you do consistently well– it’s something you’re just able to do,
you’re hard-wired to do it well and you get an inherent satisfaction from doing it. It could be
tackling and solving complex problems, empathising with people, having a lively imagination or being able to make the perfect omelette. Focusing on what you do well rather than what you’re not so good at makes all kinds of sense. When you look at what you’re not good at you feel bad about yourself and your ability, but when you focus on and play to your strengths you’re guaranteed to get results, and can even eliminate
any negative effect your weaknesses might have.

Abundance – The Inner Path the Wealth – By Deepak Chopra

2. Set Things up Ahead Of Time

Sure, there will be times when you can just head into something, do brilliantly at it and get the result you were hoping for (normally if you’re playing to your strengths), but other times you might blunder forwards, wing it and not get the result you wanted. Whatever challenges or opportunities you’re facing you’ll stand a much better chance of getting a great result if you set things up to succeed ahead of time. So what exactly do you want to happen? What solution, outcome or result would be great? Get really clear on the outcome you want from what’s facing you and how it would feel to get the outcome you’re looking for. Then start breaking it down – what can you do to set things up so that your desired outcome happens? What needs to be put in place? What will help to make what you want to happen, happen? And to ensure the best outcome, what are you willing to do?




Vitamin B Complex – Vegetarian


Vitamin D – Non GMO and Gluten Free

Eat Pray Love….by Elizabeth Gilbert


Chakra Healing 

Daily INSPRE – 6 Questions To Ask Yourself When Pursuing Your Dreams

What’s your dream? Want to give your vision a jumpstart? Write down your goals and use these questions to speed up delivery of your dream.

ONE. What’s most important for you to experience, explore or embrace this time around?

Until you answer this question, your life goals will be off purpose. Unaligned with you inner passions, your intentions will lake the power to attract the people and situations necessary to become a reality.

Get clued into your true joy. What activities did you enjoy as a child? What are you hobbies now? When your goals are aligned with you soul, synchronicity kicks in to guide you to your target.

TWO. Is this your dream, or someone else’s?

Are your goals you own choice, or what others think you should strive for? Do you want to look back in your old age and wish you had followed your passion? Will you regret having “played it safe”?

Is it selfish to go after you own dream? What joy can you give to others if you haven’t given it to yourself first?

THREE. Are you settling for less than?

Are you resigned to accepting less than you full share of love, health and success this lifetime? Have you compromised and sacrificed your dream?

Anything short of living your true passions will never make you happy.

FOUR. What will you feel like when you reach you dream?

Personal passion fuels a vision. Dive into the thrill and exhileration of the feeling of living your dream.

The Hawaiian Kahuna say, “Where you creative attention flows, so flows your life”.

Abundance – The Inner Path the Wealth – By Deepak Chopra

FIVE. What steps can you take today toward your dream?

Don’t defer you dream. Set up supports and systems around you to instantly translate you intentions into action. Jump on every opportunity that is in line with your purpose and vision.

SIX. Are you telling yourself “I can’t have my dream?”

Most people don’t believe they can live their dream. Either their belief system has then believing they can’t make a living doing what they love, or they feel they don’t deserve their dream. To avoid the pain of feeling they cant’s have their dream, people often keep their dream so buried they can’t remember they ever had a dream.

Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini


Energy Medicine 




Vitamin B Complex – Vegetarian


Vitamin D – Non GMO and Gluten Free

Eat Pray Love….by Elizabeth Gilbert


Chakra Healing